Goin’ to Baltimore tomorrow. Why? Because I love Homicide: Life on the Streets (especially the Ned Beatty era). And I love the complexity of The Wire.
Really? No, not really. I’ve never really seen those shows. I should watch them. Especially The Wire from what I hear and read.
Then what, then? The films of John Waters speak to me? No. Not at all. (Though Pecker has lots of funny moments.)
No, no, the reason I’m flying to that harbor town is the 2009 Baltimore Comic Con!
I’ll be rocking the POPGUN table with Sir Adam P. Knave at the sure to be amazing Image Comics booth! It’s sure to be a hoot.
Also looking forward to checking out the Harvey Awards. POPGUN vol. 2 is nominated for Best Anthology, which is swell! Vol. 1 won last year… can we do two in a row? I dunno. But it’s an honor to be nominated!
Not looking forward to the travel there from here in Hell A. It’ll be a complicated affair that I’ll no doubt be writing about in a later blog posting. Look for it, my two readers. (Hi, Mom! Hi, other person!)
Ah, comics. Good times.
See ya’ in Baltimore!