New Online Store

I’ve been surprised at how much I miss comic conventions, and I also have stock I bought specifically for 2020 cons. While I’d rather meet readers in person, I’ve tried to do the next best thing with an online store where you can purchase books I have in stock with my signature on ’em. There’s no extra charge for that, just cover price and shipping. There are some books missing simply because I don’t have extra copies, but if there are requests for them, I’ll make it happen. Check it out, and share with friends you think might be interested!

UPDATE: no updates

Usually this is where I post information on upcoming signings and comic book conventions, but, due to… everything… there are none right now.

Stay tuned, though, and let’s keep our fingers crossed!

Hunker down at home if you can, wash your hands, wear a mask in public, and stay safe!

Emerald City Comic Con 2020!

I’ll be a guest at Emerald City Comic Con March 12 – 15! If you’re going to be there, stop by Artist Alley table T-1 to say hi to Adam P. Knave and me. We’ll have comics, books, and Sharpies with which to sign them!

UPDATE: The show has been postponed. I just found out the new dates are August 21 – 23. I’m currently seeing if I can make that work. Shall update as soon as I can!

UPDATE 2: This, of course, has been cancelled. Hopefully ECCC and comic conventions in general will return soon…!